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Allows designers to confidently specify a single connector for both fluids and electronics.
Provides a compact, single connection point for both air couplings and electrical lines.
IdentiQuik® MAR: Multiple Antenna RF-enabled communicator printed circuit assembly supports up to eight RFID antennas handling eight fluid connections. Delivered in a removable plastic housing.
RFID-enabled non-spill coupling enables drip-free disconnections.
RFID-enabled coupling features one-hand connection and disconnection, and offers the flexibility of multiple configurations and terminations.
RFID-enabled provides a universal connection to a 38mm fitment neck.
Feature non-spill valves in a compact size, at a great price.
Offered with a variety of configurations and chemical resistance for demanding applications; gamma sterilizable.
SMC couplings offer great value in a small plastic connector.
Universal connection to bulk packaging systems including bag-in-box (BIB), flexible and rigid packaging styles.